Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Rebellious House

The Lord dwell in the midst of a rebellious house . . .

The Lord's house and dwelling place on earth is his church. He is represented by a pastor and/or a priest who has been anointed and was given the authority to minister the people in his behalf.

The pastor and/or priest then appoints lay leaders as coordinators of different ministries to act as his "extension arm". This is the essence of "lay empowerment", to be able to work hand in hand with the Lord's anointed pastor and/or priest in the mission of evangelization.

The problem of some lay leaders today is that they tend to practice "lay empowerment" by looking upon themselves as "partners of the pastor and/or priest. Worse, some acts as though they are already the pastor and/or priest themselves!

Where do they get such anointing?

The authority given to them emanated from the pastor and/or or priest who appointed them but they see themselves of higher ground, thinking that they "know more" than the person who gave them such position and authority. A classic story of a mosquito who thinks that he is higher than the elephant whom he has used to stand on.

These kinds of people bring's the Lord's house into rebellion. They will use all possible means to destroy the credibility and integrity of the Lord's anointed pastor and/or priest. Obviously, these self-righteous leaders will try to project themselves as "worthy cause crusaders" to influence other people to join in their rebellion but one thing is for sure, "they will eventually fail and suffer the consequences of their acts."

Their self-righteousness, pride and ego have totally blinded and corrupted their minds. They refused to see what their eyes have seen and have refused to hear what their ear has heard because they chose to rebel against the house of the Lord.

Own Power and Wisdom

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