Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Own Power and Wisdom

God’s Sovereign Hand

In every nation, every land, 
God’s sovereign hand does firmly stand. 
He uses all, both good and vile, 
To weave His purpose, mile by mile.

Each soul is called to face their deeds, 
For justice sows what mercy seeds. 
In time, His judgment will be clear, 
Bringing justice, far and near.

Humble hearts, we must remain, 
Acknowledging His gifts, not vain. 
Our strengths, our triumphs, all we see, 
Are blessings from His majesty.

Challenges may come our way, 
To shape us, guide us, day by day. 
In trials, let our faith be strong, 
Trusting His plan, where we belong.

Though paths may twist, and shadows fall, 
God’s overarching plan holds all. 
In Him, we find our steadfast guide, 
In Him, our hearts and hopes reside.


“By my own power I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am shrewd." (Isaiah 10:13)

God is in control of all nations and events. He can use any nation, even a wicked one to accomplish His purposes. Everyone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences for their behavior. God will ultimately bring justice to all situations.

We should remain humble and acknowledge that our abilities and successes are gifts from God. Sometimes, God allows challenges in our lives to refine us and draw us closer to Him. Let us trust in God’s overarching plan, even when circumstances seem difficult or confusing.

Prayer of Trust and Humility

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging Your sovereign control over all nations and events. We trust that You can use any nation, even those that stray from Your ways, to fulfill Your divine purposes. We recognize that each of us is responsible for our actions and that we will face the consequences of our behavior. We find comfort in knowing that You will ultimately bring justice to all situations.

Lord, help us to remain humble, always remembering that our abilities and successes are gifts from You. When challenges arise, let us see them as opportunities to be refined and drawn closer to You. Strengthen our faith to trust in Your overarching plan, even when circumstances seem difficult or confusing.

Guide us, O Lord, and help us to walk in Your ways. May we always seek Your wisdom and grace in every aspect of our lives.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


II: Immanuel Prophecies
Isaiah 10:5-27

First Reading | Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16

5 Thus says the Lord: Woe to Assyria! My rod in anger, my staff in wrath. 6 Against an impious nation I send him, and against a people under my wrath I order him to seize plunder, carry off loot, and tread them down like the mud of the streets. 7 But this is not what he intends, nor does he have this in mind; rather, it is in his heart to destroy, to make an end of nations not a few. 13 “By my own power I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am shrewd. I have moved the boundaries of peoples, their treasures I have pillaged, and, like a giant, I have put down the enthroned. 14 My hand has seized like a nest the riches of nations; as one takes eggs left alone, so I took in all the earth; no one fluttered a wing, or opened a mouth, or chirped!” 15 Will the axe boast against him who hews with it? Will the saw exalt itself above him who wields it? As if a rod could sway him who lifts it, or a staff him who is not wood! 16 Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will send among his fat ones leanness, and instead of his glory there will be kindling like the kindling of fire.


Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16 addresses God’s use of Assyria as an instrument of judgment against Israel and Judah, and then His judgment on Assyria for their arrogance and cruelty.

Verses 5-7: 

Assyria as God’s Instrument: God refers to Assyria as the “rod of My anger” and the “staff in whose hand is My indignation.” He uses Assyria to punish a godless nation (Israel) and to seize spoil and plunder.

Assyria’s Intentions: Although Assyria is used by God, their intentions are not aligned with God’s will. Their heart is set on destruction and conquest, not on fulfilling God’s purposes.

Verses 13-16:

Assyria’s Arrogance: The king of Assyria boasts about his achievements, claiming that his power and wisdom have led to his conquests. He sees himself as invincible, likening his actions to gathering abandoned eggs.

God’s Judgment on Assyria: God responds to Assyria’s arrogance by declaring that He will punish them. He will send a wasting disease among their warriors and a fire will consume their glory.

This passage highlights the sovereignty of God, showing that He can use even the wicked for His purposes, but He also holds them accountable for their actions. It serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and recognizing God’s ultimate authority.

Learning Lessons:

Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16 offers several profound lessons:

God’s Sovereignty: God is in control of all nations and events. He can use any nation, even a wicked one like Assyria, to accomplish His purposes. This reminds us to trust in God’s overarching plan, even when circumstances seem difficult or confusing.

Humility: The arrogance of the Assyrian king serves as a warning against pride. Despite his achievements, he failed to recognize that his power was granted by God. We should remain humble and acknowledge that our abilities and successes are gifts from God.

Accountability: While God used Assyria to punish Israel, He also held Assyria accountable for their cruelty and arrogance. This teaches us that everyone is responsible for their actions and will face consequences for their behavior.

God’s Justice: God’s judgment on Assyria demonstrates His commitment to justice. He does not tolerate arrogance and wickedness indefinitely. This reassures us that God will ultimately bring justice to all situations.

Purpose in Suffering: Israel’s suffering under Assyria was part of God’s plan to bring them back to Him. Sometimes, God allows challenges in our lives to refine us and draw us closer to Him.

Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot

Own Power and Wisdom

God’s Sovereign Hand In every nation, every land,  God’s sovereign hand does firmly stand.  He uses all, both good and vile,  To weave His p...