The Lord brings to nought the plans of nations;
He foils the designs of peoples.
But the plan of the Lord stands forever;
the design of his heart, through all generations.
PSALM 33:10-11
Father in heaven, Your plans and designs stands forever. All that You have built and developed during my lifetime in the world will not be for nought for they are permanent and shall be inherited by my future generation. Be praised and glorified O Lord for making me experience the greatness of Your glory now and forever.
Today, I humbly ask and pray for Your guiding wisdom O Lord as I continue to hope in Your kindness all my days. Set Your eyes upon me so that I will always see clearly all Your will and purpose for this life that You have given me. Continue to sharpen my skills so that in everything I say and do, You will praised and glorifies.
Thank You so much for all the gladness that You bring to each moment of my life despite all the crisis and famine in the world. Truly, nothing and no one can ever stop You from keeping me under Your full guidance, protection, and care. As always, I lift up to You my entire being and that of my household. We are Yours O Lord!
With much love, gratitude, and full of praise and thanksgiving I humbly pray in Jesus Name. Amen.